GEObs2 - Global Ethics Observatory, Database 2: Ethics Institutions

Alternative title
GEObs2 - Observatoire mondial d'éthique, Base de données 2 : Institutions d'éthique
GEObs2 - Observatorio mundial de ética, Base de datos 2: Instituciones de ética

Database access via ETHICSWEB

Database code

Resource types

English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese

Links to full text

Number of records
492 (2011-11-14)

Controlled vocabulary used for indexing
GEObs2 terms for

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Sector for Social and Human Sciences
Division of Ethics of Science and Technology
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 45 68 39 45

Database access via producer

GEObs is a system of databases with worldwide coverage in bioethics and other areas of applied ethics in science and technology such as environmental ethics, science ethics and technology ethics.

The GEObs2 database provides information on departments, institutes, centres, commissions, councils, committees, review boards, societies, associations and other relevant entities in the area of ethics of science and technology. Institutions within the database have been validated against their mission, activities, and publications as a confirmation of their active involvement in the field of ethics of science and technology.

Organisations; Committees; Research institutes; Bioethics; Medical ethics; Nursing ethics; Animal ethics; Environmental ethics; Food ethics; Technology ethics; Ethics of science; Philosophical ethics; Religious ethics; Law