BELIT - Bioethics Literature Database
Alternative title
BELIT - Bioethik-Literaturdatenbank
German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE, Bonn, Germany)
BELIT is an integrated bibliographic database developed by the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE, Bonn, Germany) and operated in co-operation with
- the Information and Documentation Centre on Ethics in Medicine (IDEM, Göttingen, Germany),
- the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW), University of Tübingen (Germany),
- the Bioethics Research Library at Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics (KIE, Washington, DC, USA) and
- the Centre de documentation en éthique (CDE), Comité consultatif national d'éthique (CCNE, Paris, France).
The ETHICSWEB search interface currently provides access to bibliographic records contributed by the following BELIT co-operation partners:
- DRZE: catalogue of the specialist library and documentation centre
- IDEM: database ETHMED containing references to literature available at the specialist library and documentation centre
- IZEW: database LEWI containing the catalogues of the IZEW library and the library of the Chair for Ethics in the Life Sciences at the University of Tübingen
- CDE: database of the specialist library and documentation centre
The entire database can be accessed on the DRZE Web site.
English, German, French (mainly)
Links to full text
Bioethics; Medical ethics; Ethics of genetics; Ethics of biotechnology; Agricultural ethics; Environmental ethics; Ethics of science; Bibliographic databases